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Showing posts from May, 2021

Integers and the Physics

  Someone very rightly said: “God made the integers, every other number is  that the  work of  man. Now after more  than a century, no mathematician would deny the importance and utility of the developments that Kronecker railed against. Yet  I think  that a lot of  harbors some sympathy for his statement.  The integers hold a special place  within the  heart  of mathematicians.  Many of  the foremost  famous unsolved conjectures relate to the properties of the primes. More importantly, the integers are where we start mathematics: they are how we count.

How to Let you Kid Enjoy Science?

  Getting kids  curious about  science at an early age  is extremely  important. It's easier than  you think that . Science  doesn't  need to  be something mysterious.  it's  happening all around us, and  you'll  use everyday things to encourage your children's interest and knowledge. Most parents believe that  they can not  help their children with science. But  you do not  need an advanced science degree  to show  young children science. All  you would like may be  a  willingness  to undertake ,  to watch  the planet , and  to require  the time to encourage their natural curiosity. You can help by having a positive attitude toward science yourself. Then start  just by  asking your child  questions on  the items  you see  a day . Why  does one  thing that happened? How  does one  think that works?  ...

Ramanujan in London

  When super genius Indian Mathematician Srinivasan Ramanujan arrived  London, he was greeted by Professor Godfrey Harold Hardy. Just to break the silence , Hardy commented on the Taxi number , he came in is 1729- " seems like  an uneventful  number". Ramanujan had a cursory glance at the taxi number plate himself and replied casually  "Oh No, actually   it's  a really  interesting number. It is  the smallest  number  representable in two  alternative ways as  the  sum of two cubes  and then this brilliant man told the equation on the spot. 1729 is the sum of the cubes of 10 and 9 - cube of 10 is 1000 and cube of 9 is 729; adding the two numbers results in 1729. 1729 is also the sum of the cubes of 12 and 1- cube of 12 is 1728 and cube of 1 is 1; adding the two results in 1729.

Ramanujan in London

   लंदन   में   रामानुजन जब सुपर जीनियस भारतीय गणितज्ञ श्रीनिवासन रामानुजन लंदन पहुंचे , तो उनका स्वागत प्रोफेसर गॉडफ्रे हेरोल्ड हार्डी ने किया। बर्फ को तोड़ने के लिए , हार्डी ने एक निर्दोष टिप्पणी की कि टैक्सी की संख्या , वह 1729 में आया था - एक उबाऊ संख्या की तरह लग रहा है , सामान्य अंग्रेजी मौसम के बजाय एक बातचीत शुरू करने के लिए।   रामानुजन की टैक्सी नंबर प्लेट पर एक सरसरी निगाह थी और उन्होंने घुटने की तरह से लापरवाही से जवाब दिया " ओह नहीं , वास्तव में यह एक बहुत ही रोचक संख्या है। यह दो अलग - अलग तरीकों से दो क्यूब्स के योग के रूप में सबसे छोटी प्राकृतिक संख्या है। "   और फिर इस प्रतिभाशाली व्यक्ति ने मौके पर समीकरण को बताया पिछले 2000 वर्षों में , इस ग्रह पर केवल दो इंडिगो बच्चे हुए हैं , जिनमें भग्न दिमाग फ्रैक्टल कॉस्मॉस से जुड़ा है - एक श्रीनिवास रामानुजन और दूसरा निकोला टेस्ला है। दोनों नस्लवादी निहित स्वार्...

Mathematical Dance

  When math is taught like other subjects it becomes boring. Mathematics is not a subject of only information's. Its more like a gym, where you build your brains muscles. Without doing how can we build our body. Same way we have to see mathematics. Mathematics is best learnt by doing.  Math is fun. What all we need is enjoy doing it. Mathematics models help us build thinking mathematically.  Graph of mathematical functions are one such aspects which gives lot of insights of functions, trigonometric functions, linear functions and quadratic polynomials are among very popular functions often used in mathematics.  Look below a fun animation mathematical dance.