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Showing posts with the label Learning

Integers and the Physics

  Someone very rightly said: “God made the integers, every other number is  that the  work of  man. Now after more  than a century, no mathematician would deny the importance and utility of the developments that Kronecker railed against. Yet  I think  that a lot of  harbors some sympathy for his statement.  The integers hold a special place  within the  heart  of mathematicians.  Many of  the foremost  famous unsolved conjectures relate to the properties of the primes. More importantly, the integers are where we start mathematics: they are how we count.

How to Let you Kid Enjoy Science?

  Getting kids  curious about  science at an early age  is extremely  important. It's easier than  you think that . Science  doesn't  need to  be something mysterious.  it's  happening all around us, and  you'll  use everyday things to encourage your children's interest and knowledge. Most parents believe that  they can not  help their children with science. But  you do not  need an advanced science degree  to show  young children science. All  you would like may be  a  willingness  to undertake ,  to watch  the planet , and  to require  the time to encourage their natural curiosity. You can help by having a positive attitude toward science yourself. Then start  just by  asking your child  questions on  the items  you see  a day . Why  does one  thing that happened? How  does one  think that works?  ...

Binding Rope Around The Earth

  Rope around The Earth: Wrap a thread tightly around the earth (along the equator). Now add an extra 2 meters of thread to this length and then wrap the new thread again around the earth in the same circular path (i.e. along the equator).                                                             (Image: Binding rope around the Earth) Now, how high do you think will the thread rise above from the ground ?(Or in other words, what will be the new radius corresponding to this new circumference?) Well, practically one might think that an addition of 2 meter won't make any difference since its too small compared to the size of the earth (which is ~6371000 meters in radius!). And even if it does, the difference will be so small (may be in millimeters or so) that it can easily be neglected? Well, le...

How to Improve My Kids Learning Abilities?

  #learningskills   #schoollife   #coaching   #coach   #parentingtips   #parentingteens 👩‍💻All of us want our children to succeed in school. But for many kids and teens, focusing and concentrating on a single task can be difficult. Presenting here some key improvement areas and tips for improving concentration and do better in the classroom: * 🥗Take time for breakfast. Children who have breakfast and enough to eat during the rest of the day will be better able to concentrate in school. * 🎧🎹 Introduce them to music. Listening to music/Playing instruments has shown to increase focus and concentration in other areas. * 🛏Send them to bed on time. Studies show that children and most teenagers concentrate best after about nine hours of sleep. * 📚Give them space. Your kids will be better able to concentrate on homework if they have a clear, uncluttered workspace. *🎯 Help them get organized. Encourage to work on one task at a time. Breaking works into small...