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Mathematical Dance

  When math is taught like other subjects it becomes boring. Mathematics is not a subject of only information's. Its more like a gym, where you build your brains muscles. Without doing how can we build our body. Same way we have to see mathematics. Mathematics is best learnt by doing.  Math is fun. What all we need is enjoy doing it. Mathematics models help us build thinking mathematically.  Graph of mathematical functions are one such aspects which gives lot of insights of functions, trigonometric functions, linear functions and quadratic polynomials are among very popular functions often used in mathematics.  Look below a fun animation mathematical dance.

Binding Rope Around The Earth

  Rope around The Earth: Wrap a thread tightly around the earth (along the equator). Now add an extra 2 meters of thread to this length and then wrap the new thread again around the earth in the same circular path (i.e. along the equator).                                                             (Image: Binding rope around the Earth) Now, how high do you think will the thread rise above from the ground ?(Or in other words, what will be the new radius corresponding to this new circumference?) Well, practically one might think that an addition of 2 meter won't make any difference since its too small compared to the size of the earth (which is ~6371000 meters in radius!). And even if it does, the difference will be so small (may be in millimeters or so) that it can easily be neglected? Well, le...

How to Improve My Kids Learning Abilities?

  #learningskills   #schoollife   #coaching   #coach   #parentingtips   #parentingteens 👩‍💻All of us want our children to succeed in school. But for many kids and teens, focusing and concentrating on a single task can be difficult. Presenting here some key improvement areas and tips for improving concentration and do better in the classroom: * 🥗Take time for breakfast. Children who have breakfast and enough to eat during the rest of the day will be better able to concentrate in school. * 🎧🎹 Introduce them to music. Listening to music/Playing instruments has shown to increase focus and concentration in other areas. * 🛏Send them to bed on time. Studies show that children and most teenagers concentrate best after about nine hours of sleep. * 📚Give them space. Your kids will be better able to concentrate on homework if they have a clear, uncluttered workspace. *🎯 Help them get organized. Encourage to work on one task at a time. Breaking works into small...


  The word "cognition" is defined as "the act of knowing" or "knowledge." Cognitive skills therefore refer to those skills that make it possible for us to know. It should be noted that there is nothing that any human being knows, or can do, that he has not learned. This of course excludes natural body functions, such as breathing, as well as the reflexes, for example the involuntary closing of the eye when an object approaches it. But apart from that a human being knows nothing, or cannot do anything, that he has not learned. Therefore, all cognitive skills must be TAUGHT, of which the following cognitive skills are the most important: CONCENTRATION Paying attention must be distinguished from concentration. Paying attention is a body function, and therefore does not need to be taught. However, paying attention as such is a function that is quite useless for the act of learning, because it is only a fleeting occurrence. Attention usually shifts very quickly...


 In the free evening you sit comfortably in your armchair and read an exciting book. Suddenly the clock strikes ten and you listen carefully to every strike of it. It seems like these are the last seconds of your life passing by and a strange feeling appears deep down in your gutter, but you are not able to define what is it. The feeling appears when you think of death. So, what is the truth? What do you feel to that moment that is going to come eventually? Many researches have been done in psychology to define the most common feeling towards death. According to the majority of the scholars, it is fear. Only in one term paper outline of a student there was another feeling mentioned. It was indifference. We can determine what the feeling depends on. Certainly, it depends on a personality and his/her outlook. Those who haven’t accomplished everything that was planned think that they should live until they do what they were destined to in this life. People are afraid of death when the...


  🤷‍♂️Let history's greatest minds help you to find true success and happiness today. Plato. Socrates. Aristotle. Confucius. Thomas Aquinas. Hundreds, even thousands of years later, the names of the great philosophers remain legendary, their ideas continuing to captivate minds, stimulate thought, and shape the course of human history. But what are those ideas💡? Why are they still impacting the way people think, understand, and act? Most importantly, how can they help YOU to live a happier, better, more fulfilling life today? In The Seven Greatest Success Ideas: 'A-HAs' That Are Guaranteed to Take Your Life to the Next Level, public philosopher, author, and renowned business consultant Tom Morris reveals what the greatest philosophers in human history have to say about what it takes to achieve true success in the 21st century. With the wit, charisma, and straightforward style that made him one of the most popular professors at the University of Notre Dame and a corporate s...

Thinking Mathematically

  In a meeting, when the spreadsheet gets glitchy, the tetchy boss throws  an issue  to all or any . "Our profit might be  26% of 3400000. what proportion  is it? Rax?" Rax cannot call the manager at this point , because she  is that the  manager. And, she left her phone on the desk. She doesn't have access to a calculator. While she blankly stares into her impending future, Chandler intervenes  to save lots of  the sport . "It's 884000, Monika. Could I BE any longer  correct?" Monika, boss lady, didn't look impressed. Not because Chandler was wrong - he was right and oh so quick! - but because she got irritated together with his  cocky attitude. The question here is, how could he find  the solution  so quickly? Algebra was his saviour: (x+a)(x-a) = x²-a². Observe, that x  is that the  average of (x+a) and (x-a). This method works smoothly for numbers with even differences. The average of 26 and 34 is 30. So, 26×...