Are you facing challenges in managing your time properly? If you often waste time on unproductive tasks and finally at the end of the day feel you have wasted your day.
Pomodoro Technique may be a good solution to all your problems. Today I am going to discuss here, a very useful technique to improve your productivity and better time management.
The credit for this technique goes to Francesco Cirillo. He utilized a tomato-shaped sandglass to manage his time effectively. He called it the Pomodoro technique (which is an Italian word for “tomato”).
The idea behind the Pomodoro Technique is to break down all of your tasks into 25-minute time blocks. Between two session, keep a five-minute break. And after completing four Pomodoros sessions taking an extended break usually 15-20 min.
There are six steps in the original technique:
- Decide on the task to be done.
- Set the Pomodoro timer (traditionally to 25 minutes).
- Work on the task.
- End work when the timer rings and put a checkmark on a piece of paper.
- If you have fewer than four checkmarks, take a short break (3–5 minutes) and then return to step otherwise continue to step 6.
- After four Pomodoros, take a longer break (15–30 minutes), reset your checkmark count to zero, then go to step 1.
Image illustration of Pomodoro Technique |
After task completion in a Pomodoro, any time the remaining could be devoted to activities such as:
1. Review the concept that you have just completed.
2. Ask yourself, what did I learn? What could I do better?
3. Prepare the list of the next Pomodoro task.
Principally, this strategy works because you completely specialize in one task at a time rather than multitasking.
When the clock keeps ticking, you ignore the urge to see the email, check your Fb, answer text messages, or do the other distracting activity. You are within your own zone and completely focused.
What are you waiting for? Opt to implement this technique and:
Eliminate the multi-tasking habit.
Focus on the task at hand.
Get more things done because you’ll have a way of urgency.
Avoid the perfectionist mindset by overly “fine-tuning” a project.
Build higher levels of willpower and concentration.
Decrease stress levels because you’re doing one thing at a time.
So develop this time-blocking Pomodoro habit and be a better you. Do share your thought and experiences on the same through your comments below.
nice post.